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Ronan Manly

Ronan Manly

Ronan Manly is a precious metals analyst with BullionStar whose blogs
often cover current themes including what's going on in the
London gold market and the gold activities of central banks.

Will Chinese Banks Participate in the New LBMA Auctions?

Will Chinese Banks Participate in the New LBMA Auctions?

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  • author Ronan Manly
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There is a growing assumption in the financial media that a number of Chinese banks will be joining the new LBMA Gold Price auction as direct participants when the auction launches in London on Friday 20th March. This assumption is based on various sources, but primarily on a number of general comments made by the … Continue Reading arrow

The Bank of England and the London Gold Fixings in the 1980s

The Bank of England and the London Gold Fixings in the 1980s

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  • author Ronan Manly
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With the current structure of the London gold price fixings disappearing in the very near future, there is an unusual story that I’d like to share about the gold fixings. It concerns the Bank of England’s ‘gold activities’ in the daily London Gold Fixings during the 1980s, and my attempts to get the Bank to explain … Continue Reading arrow

Spotlight on Greece’s Gold Reserves and Grexit

Spotlight on Greece’s Gold Reserves and Grexit

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  • author Ronan Manly
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With the Greek Government and the Troika back in the news right now, it’s a good time to take a look at Greece’s official gold reserves and examine how much gold Greece claims to hold, where this gold might be located, and explore the impact that the European bailouts or a Greek Euro exit might have … Continue Reading arrow

The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 2, Nagpur and Shanghai

The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 2, Nagpur and Shanghai

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Part 1 of the IMF’s Gold Depositories series explained the legal background as to why the IMF originally made the decision to hold gold at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Bank of England, the Banque de France and the Reserve Bank of India. See Part 1 for details, but as a quick … Continue Reading arrow

The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 3
The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 1, The Legal Background

The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 1, The Legal Background

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  • author Ronan Manly
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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the world’s third largest official sector holder of gold behind the United States and Germany. According to the Fund’s web site, as at October 2014 “the IMF holds around 90.5 million ounces (2,814.1 metric tons) of gold at designated depositories." The IMF’s gold holdings were accumulated between 1946 and … Continue Reading arrow

The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 2

The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 2

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  • author Ronan Manly
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The FRBNY’s Auxiliary Vault As mentioned in Part 1 of Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed, there are two gold vaults at the New York Fed, the main vault and the auxiliary vault. Very little is written anywhere about the FRBNY’s auxiliary vault, or the ‘aux vault’ as it has sometimes been … Continue Reading arrow

The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 1

The Keys to the Gold Vaults at the New York Fed – Part 1

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Over time, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) has become increasingly less transparent in sharing information about its Manhattan gold vaults. I use gold vaults in the plural because there are two gold vaults at the New York Fed’s headquarters, namely, the main vault and the auxiliary vault. During the 1970s, New York … Continue Reading arrow

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