Own a beautiful Argor-Heraeus gold Kinebar without breaking the bank. This 10 gram gold Kinebar has a unique serial number and comes in a transparent tamper-proof pack. So you can admire the design and be sure of the gold’s authenticity.
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Country: Switzerland
Manufacturer: Argor-Heraeus
Size: 31.5 mm x 18.5 mm x 1.1 mm
Purity: 99.99%
Weight: 10 gram (0.322 troy oz)
Tax Status: No Tax/No GST
Product Information:
This 10 gram minted gold Kinebar from Swiss gold refiner Argor-Heraeus has a gold fineness of 0.9999 and is presented in a secure transparent blister pack which doubles as the bar’s assay certificate.
Argor-Heraeus Kinebars derive their name from the Kinegram design on the reverse face of each bar. A Kinegram is a visually appealing optical security feature which is based on light diffraction.
The front of the 10 gram gold bar is stamped with the Argor Heraeus refiner stamp ‘AH’, the words ‘Switzerland’, the bar’s weight and fine gold content, and a unique serial number.
The reverse of the 10 gram displays Kinegram hologram imagery and also shows the letters AH and the refiner name Argor-Heraeus.
Argor-Heraeus is one of Switzerland’s four big gold refineries and one of the world’s most trusted names in investment precious metals.
Argor-Heraeus is on the LBMA Good Delivery List for gold and is also one of the five members of the prestigious LBMA referee panel for gold refining.
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