The American Gold Buffalo is a modern classic bullion coin that deserves a place in every precious metals portfolio.
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Country: USA
Manufacturer: United States Mint
Diameter: 32.7 mm
Thickness: 2.946 mm
Purity: 99.99%
Weight: 1 troy oz (31.1 gram)
Tax Status: No Tax/No GST
Product Information:
Minted by the United States Mint. The Gold Buffalo coins are guaranteed by the U.S. government to contain the stated amount of actual gold weight in troy ounces.
The gold must by law come from sources in America.
The Gold Buffalo is the only American official legal tender gold coin produced in .9999 gold.
1 oz Gold Buffalos are legal tender with USD $50.
Individual Gold Buffalo coin orders are delivered in a plastic coin flip, while purchases of 20 gold coins are dispatched in their original US Mint plastic tube.
Price Information
Price/Troy Ounce:
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*GST only applicable for Singapore Deliveries. Not applicable when exported.
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