2022 1 oz United Kingdom Platinum Britannia Bullion Coin
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2022 1 oz United Kingdom Platinum Britannia Bullion Coin
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Country: United Kingdom
Manufacturer: The Royal Mint
Diameter: 32.69 mm
Purity: 99.95%
Weight: 1 troy oz (31.1 gram)
Tax Status: No Tax/No GST
Product Information:
The UK 1 oz Britannia platinum coin is a 99.95% pure platinum bullion coin minted by the world-famous Royal Mint, which is fully owned by the British government.
Named after 'Britannia', a personification of Britain's strength and seafaring tradition, the coin features detailed imagery of Britannia as a classical female image.
The reverse of the 2022 1 oz platinum coin features Britannia standing tall against a powerful gale with a trident and shield against a radial sunburst design in the background. The obverse of the coin features a head portrait of Britain's monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.
As a high purity platinum coin, the Royal Mint’s 1 oz platinum bullion coin is exempt from Singapore GST.
The Royal Mint is the world’s oldest mint, and was founded in 1279. The current Royal Mint premises is located in Llantrisant, South Wales.
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