The 1 oz Australian Silver Kangaroo bullion coin is sought after by savvy precious metals investors from around the world who appreciate its high quality construction and beauty.
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Country: Australia
Manufacturer: The Perth Mint
Diameter: 40.6 mm
Thickness: 2.98 mm
Purity: 99.99%
Weight: 1 troy oz (31.1 gram)
Tax Status: No Tax/No GST
Product Information:
Produced by The Perth Mint.
The coin’s reverse features the classic red Kangaroo, surrounded by a radiating design.
The coin’s obverse features Queen Elizabeth.
Each coin is struck in 1 troy ounce of 99.99% pure silver.
The coin is legal tender at AUD$1.
Individual coins are delivered in coin flips, orders in increments of 25 are delivered in mint tubes and orders in increments of 250 are delivered in mini monster boxes.
Price Information
Price/Troy Ounce:
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*GST only applicable for Singapore Deliveries. Not applicable when exported.
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